St. William Church in Waukesha, WI | St. William Church in Waukesha, WI Official Website
Here are upcoming Mass times intentions for St. William Church in Waukesha, WI:
June 25 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
SW 7:30am Tom & Kathy Gall † Phyllis Ribbens
SJN 8:00am
SM 8:30am Souls in Purgatory † John Frankowiak
SJ 9:00am † Cesar Soto Ruiz † Mercedes Perez Cardona
**SW 9:30am All of the living & deceased members of the
Catholic Community of Waukesha
SJN 10:30am
SM 11:00am † Eugene Lyskawa † Jason Lesniewski
+SW 11:30am † Arturo Aguirre Zamarripa † Alfonso Valdez Zamarripa
SM 5:30pm † Salvador Rubio Cardenas & children
June 26
SW 7:45am † Bill Henriksen
June 27 St. Cyril of Alexandria
SM 8:30am † John Eibl & family † Sue Fox
SW 5:30pm
June 28 St. Irenaeus
SJN 8:30am
SM 8:00am † Felix & Marita Collins † Sue Fox
+SJ 6:00pm
June 29 St. Peter, St. Paul
SJN 8:30am Isy & Rosie Villa † Mary Schultz
June 30 The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church
SJ 8:00am † Joseph Moro
July 1 St. Junipero Serra, The Blessed Virgin Mary
SJ 8:00am
SJ 4:00pm † Lisa Marlett Stockhausen † Bernie Schmoller
SW 4:00pm † Sherry Flesses
SJN 5:00pm All the living & deceased members of the Catholic Community of Waukesha
July 2 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
SW 7:30am
SJN 8:00am † James Storck
SM 8:30am † Martin Primasing † Ken Walter, Sr.
SJ 9:00am † Brad Lenhardt
**SW 9:30am † Lorenz Land † Timothy Susek
SJN 10:30am
SM 11:00am Souls in Purgatory
+SW 11:30am † Christina Lacayo
SM 5:30pm † Adam Buchart
Original source can be found here