St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
Here are upcoming Mass times intentions for St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin:
Monday, May 2
St. Joseph the Worker (Transferred)
5:30 PM Mass, Mary Iehl St. Charles
6:30 PM Novena St. Peter
Tuesday, May 3
Sts. Philip and James
8:30 AM Mass, Ronald Bleskachek, Sr. St. Charles
Wednesday, May 4
8:30 AM Mass, Peter Stoffel St. Charles
Thursday, May 5
National Day of Prayer
8:30 AM Mass, James Goettl St. Charles
Friday, May 6
8:30 AM Mass, Living and Deceased Members of the Christian Mothers St. Peter
Saturday, May 7
4:00 PM Mass, Virginia Bowe St. Charles
6:30 PM Mass, William Bohl & Scott Schwartz St. Peter
Sunday, May 8
Fourth Sunday of Easter; World Day of Prayer for Vocations; Mother’s Day
7:30 AM Mass, Roland and Margaret Schneider St. Charles
9:00 AM Mass, Luke and Helen Bowe St. Peter
10:30 AM Mass, For an Increase in Vocations St. Charles
1:00 PM Mass with Confirmation
People of the Diocese of La Crosse St. Charles
5:00 PM Mass with Confirmation
Bishop’s Intention St. Charles
6:00 PM Rosary St. Charles
The full bulletin for the coming week can be found here.