Here are upcoming Mass times intentions for St. Mary's Catholic Church in Auburndale, WI:
Monday February 28
9:00 am Keith Barbian (A) by the Vern Kieffer family
Tuesday March 1
5:30 pm Special intention of Leone Smith (A) by Leone Smith
Wednesday March 2 (Ash Wednesday)
6:30 am Matthew Mancl (H) by Pete and Marilyn Mancl
8:30 am George and Marie Swetz (B) by Julius and Mae Linzmeier
6:30 pm Fritz Berger (A) by Richard and Lorraine Breu
Thursday March 3
9:00 am Whitey Lobner (B) by the Reindl family
Friday March 4
9:00 am Regina Dillinger (A) by John, Phyllis, Mikala, James, Julianna, and Paul Kollross Adoration following Mass to noon
Saturday March 5
9:00 am Harold and Jeanette Hilgart (A) by Tom Hilgart
5:00 pm All Parishioners of the Tri-Parish (H)
Sunday March 6
8:30 am James and Janet Weiler (A) by family and friends
10:30 am Harvey and Mary Pongratz (B) by family
The full bulletin for the coming week can be found here.