Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish recently issued the following announcement.
The history of the Mary Rosa Mystical goes back to the first centuries of Christianity. It was in the fifth century when, according to records of the Church, the figure of the rose was a metaphorical sign of the Virgin Mary
In the Shrine of Rosenberg, in Germany, the image of the Mystical Rose is venerated since 1738. But it was not until 1947 after her appearances in Montichiari, a town in Italy, when her devotion and message spread to the entire world. Pierina Gilli, a humble Italian nurse, was chosen by the Mother of God for her many appearances, divided into three stages.
The first was in the spring of 1947 when the Lady appeared to her asking for “Prayer, Penance, Reparation.” The Mystic Rose was seen for the second time on Sunday, July 13 of the same year. She was dressed in white and on her chest she wore three roses: a white one, which symbolizes the spirit of prayer; a red one, which represents the spirit of sacrifice and the golden rose, which means the spirit of penance. The Virgin appeared to Pierina five more times in that same year.
The second stage of the revelations of the Virgin began in 1966 in Fontanelli. It is a field of Montichiari where Pierina had moved, and ended in 1968. To then reappear from 1970 to 1991, the year in which Pierina passed away.
The Mystical Rose prayer
Oh Mary, Mystic Rose, Mother of Jesus and also Our Mother. You are our hope, strength and consolation. Give us from heaven, your maternal blessing, the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
God saves you……
Immaculate Virgin, Mystic Rose, in honor of your divine son we prostrate ourselves before you, imploring the mercy of God. Not for our merits but for the kindness of your maternal heart, grant us help and grace with the assurance of listening to us.
God saves you……
Mystic Rose, Mother of Jesus, Queen of the Holy Rosary and Mother of the Church of the Mystical Body of Christ, we ask you to grant the world, torn by discord, unity and peace and all those graces that can change the hearts of all your children.
God saves you….
Mystic Rose, Queen of the Apostles, you have around the eucharistic altars, arise many priestly and religious vocations to spread with the holiness of their lives and with apostolic zeal the Kingdom of your son Jesus all over the world. Pour out, O Mother, upon us, your heavenly graces.
God saves you….
Hail, Queen and Mother … Mystic Rose, Mother of the Church, pray for us.
Original source can be found here.