Holy Cross Church in Green Bay | https://parishesonline.com/
Holy Cross Church in Green Bay has announced that it will limit its seating capacity for Mass to 75 parishioners for the foreseeable future in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
There will be overflow seating for an additional 30 people at the Parish Center. Social distancing requirements prevent any more people from attending Mass at one time.
The 8 a.m. celebration on Sundays is the most popular Mass. The church suggests that people who want to come to an 8 a.m. Sunday Mass contact the parish office well in advance.
Holy Cross also has regular 8 a.m. Masses on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. The Eucharistic Ministers will only distribute the host into people's hands. Those who would prefer to receive the host orally can contact Abbot Gary and he will give those individuals the host himself at the end of the Mass.
Contact the parish office to schedule a Mass. There are a limited number of weekend Masses available and a large number of weekday Masses that are open.