Those who have faith and help each other can win, parishioners at All Saint's Catholic Church in Milwaukee learned.
“Together We Win” shares the message of Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, a church Facebook post said.
Bill Crowder shared the story of a house fire in rural Uganda. When Pastor Samuel Baggaga arrived, the church member's house was engulfed in flames. The father of the household was burned but went back inside to rescue his daughter, who was unconscious.
It was six miles away to the nearest hospital and there was no transportation. Baggaga and the father ran to the hospital, taking turns carrying the child.
“Together they made the journey; the father and his daughter were treated and then fully recovered,” Crowder said on Facebook.
The homily recounts the great victory described in Exodus 17:8-13 as Joshua led men in battle and Moses kept his hands raised while holding God’s staff. When Moses’ arms were tired, Aaron and Hur each held one up until the battle was won.
“The value of interdependence can never be underestimated,” Crowder said on Facebook. “God, in His kindness, graciously provides people as His agents for mutual good. Listening ears and helpful hands; wise, comforting, and correcting words – these and other resources come to us and through us to others. Together we win and God gets the glory!”