Good Shepherd issued the following announcement on June 3
Dear Parishioners,
Finally—we return to the celebration of the Mass in the Diocese of Superior! In our online meeting with Bishop Powers yesterday, we discussed the required practices for attending Mass at this time, while still keeping people safe and avoiding spread of the virus. Those practices are given to you in this letter. Reading it before coming to Mass will be very helpful, so you know what to expect, and what is expected of each of us. Masses begin Wednesday, June 3. Weekday Masses will be as follows: Tuesdays--6 pm; Wednesdays-ThursdaysFridays--all at 8 am (Note Thursday Mass time change.)
Bishop Powers’ guidelines include the following:
The dispensations from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass, as well as the obligation to receive Holy Communion at least once during the Easter Season remains in force until further notice. Anyone with flu-like symptoms or a temperature of 100.4 or more, PLEASE STAY HOME! Any At-Risk person, those who are older and all who have underlying health issues such as respiratory health issues or a compromised immune system, are encouraged to remain at home and continue to celebrate Mass virtually as you have been, making a Spiritual Communion. Adults who attend weekend Mass, please wear a mask.
Weekend Masses begin June 6-7, with Masses again at 6 pm on Saturday and 9 am on Sunday. We are allowed to have 25% capacity at Mass, which would be 75 people. However, because we are required to tape off pews to maintain the 6-foot distancing during Mass, this limits our capacity to about 50 people per Mass. Because of this limitation of people, we encourage anyone who is able to attend a weekday Mass instead of a weekend Mass, please do. A weekday Mass may also be a better alternative for anyone who is uncomfortable in a larger crowd yet.
When you come to Mass on the weekends, please wait outside the front church doors near the canopy area, maintaining your 6-foot distance from others. An usher will welcome you in by opening the door, a few at a time, where another usher will seat you.
You are asked to use the hand sanitizer in the church entrance. Then follow the usher to be seated. Although you may not be seated where you would normally sit, it is a requirement that you allow ushers to seat you during this transition time.
You will note there are no hymnals. We have been asked to remove them at this time. No singing by people at this time. Hence no music or choirs.
Two baskets will be available if you wish to make a donation or bring your collection envelopes. One basket is in the church entrance; the other will be available up front after you receive Holy Communion
There will be no exchange of the Sign of Peace. At no time should there be hand-shaking or hugging with others.
There will be only one reader per Mass. There will be no servers, no collections by the ushers, and no carrying forth of gifts during the Mass.
For additional precaution, Bishop approves the following: Near the end of Mass, the Final Blessing will be given, followed by Holy Communion. Only one side of the church at a time will go forward for Holy Communion in single file, maintaining 6-ft distancing. A cart with hand sanitizer will be in the center aisle near Father. Please use it before receiving Holy Communion. After receiving Communion, DO NOT return to your pews. Instead, you will exit right away as was done the last two weeks with the Communion Services—through the west side door of the church. An usher will be there to hold the door open for you. The parish bulletins and additional hand sanitizer will be available on a table by the exiting door.
Areas used by people at Mass will be sanitized prior to the following Mass. Again, please, no congregating closely near the church area.
Ushers and readers are needed at this time. We may decide to add a Eucharistic Minister for each Mass. If you can and are willing to serve in any of these capacities at this time, please call Mary at the parish office. Notes for those involved in ministries:
Masks are required for ushers, readers and any EMEs. Reader may remove mask just for reading. EMEs are required to wear their mask when distributing Communion. Any EME must sanitize their hands before distribution. Should they accidentally touch someone’s hand, they will need to use sanitizer again before continuing with distribution.
Ushers are required to wear protective gloves. Some are available in the back sacristy, or you can bring your own.
Readers are asked to read from their own Lectionary Workbook that they would bring from home. There will be no procession, so the reader may simply sit in the front pew like they normally do, and carry their workbook up when it is time to read. A copy of the Prayer Petitions will be on the front pew. Please use it at the proper time, and return it back to the pew when done
One usher will greet people outside as they come for Mass, and assure people distance under the canopy. Two ushers will be inside, and they will be responsible for seating people. So, only a limited number of people will be allowed to enter until others are seated. The usher will open the door for you and take the Mass count. Families can sit together. Others must maintain the 6-foot distancing
One usher will hold the west exit door open as people leave after Holy Communion.
Two ushers are needed to bag money and keep it safe until all people are gone. Then they can gather any additional monies from the basket near the front of church before sealing the bag. Sealed bags should be given to Father Raj.
One EME (to keep distance) would be appreciated to come forward to wash vessels in soapy water following each Mass. If ushers are uncertain how to seal the bag, give it to the EME to seal
NOTE TO EVERYONE: The new hand sanitizer we purchased is liquid and can be drippy, so hold your hand carefully under the spout as it comes out. It is not that easy to find the gel sanitizer, but if anyone finds some and wishes to donate it to the church, it will be welcomed! The same with gloves. It has become difficult to get more gloves, and we have ordered some plastic kitchen gloves to compensate. However, if anyone has latex gloves they wish to donate, they will be welcomed also. Donations of Lysol spray and sanitizing wipes are also appreciated.
Thank you to everyone for your patience at this time. God bless you all.
Father Raj
Original source can be found here.